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Link: Notebook

The Sea-Level Change Prediction

We will analyze the global average sea-level change dataset since 1880 and use the data to forecast sea-level change through the year 2050.

We import the dataset used from https://datahub.io/core/sea-level-rise

Import libraries

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from scipy.stats import linregress
import numpy as np
!pip -q install datapackage
from datapackage import Package

Download Dataset

package = Package('https://datahub.io/core/sea-level-rise/datapackage.json')
# print list of all resources:
['validation_report', 'csiro_alt_gmsl_mo_2015_csv', 'csiro_alt_gmsl_yr_2015_csv', 'csiro_recons_gmsl_mo_2015_csv', 'csiro_recons_gmsl_yr_2015_csv', 'epa-sea-level_csv', 'csiro_alt_gmsl_mo_2015_json', 'csiro_alt_gmsl_yr_2015_json', 'csiro_recons_gmsl_mo_2015_json', 'csiro_recons_gmsl_yr_2015_json', 'epa-sea-level_json', 'sea-level-rise_zip', 'csiro_alt_gmsl_mo_2015', 'csiro_alt_gmsl_yr_2015', 'csiro_recons_gmsl_mo_2015', 'csiro_recons_gmsl_yr_2015', 'epa-sea-level']

Global Average Absolute Sea Level Change, 1880-2014

# to load only epa-sea-level_csv dataset
resources = package.resources
resource = resources[5]
df = pd.read_csv(resource.descriptor['path'])
Year CSIRO Adjusted Sea Level Lower Error Bound Upper Error Bound NOAA Adjusted Sea Level
0 1880-03-15 0.000000 -0.952756 0.952756 NaN
1 1881-03-15 0.220472 -0.732283 1.173228 NaN
2 1882-03-15 -0.440945 -1.346457 0.464567 NaN
3 1883-03-15 -0.232283 -1.129921 0.665354 NaN
4 1884-03-15 0.590551 -0.283465 1.464567 NaN
... ... ... ... ... ...
130 2010-03-15 8.901575 8.618110 9.185039 8.122973
131 2011-03-15 8.964567 8.661417 9.267717 8.053065
132 2012-03-15 9.326772 8.992126 9.661417 8.457058
133 2013-03-15 8.980315 8.622047 9.338583 8.546648
134 2014-03-15 NaN NaN NaN 8.663700

135 rows × 5 columns

Prepare Data

df = df[['Year','CSIRO Adjusted Sea Level']]
df = df.dropna(axis=0)
df['Year'] = df['Year'].str.slice(0,4)
df = df.astype({'Year': 'int32'})
df.set_index('Year', inplace=True)

Create scatter plot

# Create scatter plot
plt.scatter(df.index, df['CSIRO Adjusted Sea Level'], alpha=0.5 )

# Create first line of best fit
res = linregress(df.index, df['CSIRO Adjusted Sea Level'])
year_1880_2050 = np.concatenate((df.index, np.arange(2014,2050)), axis=0)
plt.plot(year_1880_2050 , res.intercept + res.slope*year_1880_2050, 'r', label='fitted line 1')

# Create second line of best fit
res2 = linregress(df.loc['200':].index, df.loc['200':]['CSIRO Adjusted Sea Level'])
year_2000_2050 = np.concatenate((df.loc['200':].index, np.arange(2014,2050)), axis=0)
plt.plot(year_2000_2050 , res2.intercept + res2.slope*year_2000_2050, 'g', label='fitted line 2')

 # Add labels and title
plt.ylabel('Sea Level (inches)')
plt.title('Rise in Sea Level')
